The Nursing Home
Our Nursing Home offers a total of 144 beds that are reserved for dependent residents. The majority of them (140 beds) are assigned through the social services of the city of residence and just 4 of them are private and they are assigned by us.
Here you can find some of the most state-of-the-art equipment, such as ultrasonic tanks, various lifting devices depending on each of our resident’s specific needs, innovative anti-decubitus mattresses, some cutting-edge technological systems, air conditioning, nurse call systems, and a fire detection system.

Submit an application
- Beds assigned through the social services – one single waiting list affiliated with A.U.S.L. Romagna.
It is possible to submit the application by means of a social worker operating for the social services of the city of residence. The social worker will then alert the A.U.S.L Romagna Geriatric Evaluation Unit, which will consider the admission of the applicant to the waiting list.
It will be up to our Nursing Home to welcome the resident who has been successfully admitted by the A.U.S.L Romagna, as expected by the regulations implemented by the District Committee.
- Private beds assigned by us
You can download the application form from our website and then email it to . Alternatively, it is possible to bring your application directly to our Administrative Office.

The ward for dependent residents
There are 3 different floors reserved to dependent residents